Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Cov yam ntxwv zoo yog qhov nruj thiab slim, xim yog ntsuab thiab moist, cov tshuaj tsw qab yog siab thiab kav ntev, du, cov tshuaj tsw qab yog tshiab thiab mellow, saj yog nplua nuj, kua zaub xim, nplooj hauv qab yog daj thiab ci.

Product Detail

Fried ntsuab tshuaj yej yog hais txog cov txheej txheem ntawm withering tshuaj yej nplooj nyob rau hauv lub lauj kaub los ntawm kev siv ib tug me me hluav taws nyob rau hauv tus txheej txheem ntawm ua tshuaj yej nplooj.Los ntawm cov khoom siv dov, cov dej hauv cov tshuaj yej nplooj evaporates sai sai, thaiv cov txheej txheem fermentation ntawm cov tshuaj yej nplooj, thiab ua kom cov ntsiab lus ntawm cov tshuaj yej kua txiv tag nrho khaws cia.Fried ntsuab tshuaj yej yog ib tug loj leap nyob rau hauv keeb kwm ntawm tshuaj yej.

Khoom npe

Tshuaj yej ntsuab

Tshuaj yej series

Chao Qing

Keeb kwm

Sichuan xeev, Suav teb

Qhov tshwm sim

Ntev, puag ncig, tiaj tus


tshiab, tsis muaj zog thiab lub teeb


refreshing, nyom thiab astringent


25g, 100g, 125g, 200g, 250g, 500g, 1000g, 5000g rau lub thawv ntawv lossis tin

1KG, 5KG, 20KG, 40KG rau cov ntaub ntawv ntoo

30KG, 40KG, 50KG rau lub hnab yas lossis phom phom

Lwm yam ntim raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau yog OK


100 KG

Chaw tsim khoom



Khaws rau hauv qhov chaw qhuav thiab txias kom khaws cia ntev

Kev ua lag luam

Africa, Europe, Middle East, Middle Asia

Daim ntawv pov thawj

Daim ntawv pov thawj zoo, daim ntawv pov thawj Phytosanitary, ISO, QS, CIQ, HALAL thiab lwm yam raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua


Dawb qauv

Lub sij hawm xa tuaj

20-35 hnub tom qab kev txiav txim paub meej

Fob chaw nres nkoj


Cov nqe lus them nqi


Fried ntsuab tshuaj yej vim yog ntsuab tshuaj yej ziab txoj kev siv los kib lub npe.Raws li lawv cov tsos, lawv tuaj yeem muab faib ua peb pawg: ntev kib ntsuab, puag ncig kib ntsuab thiab tiaj tus kib ntsuab.Ntev kib ntsuab zoo li pob muag, tseem hu ua eyebrow tshuaj yej.Round kib ntsuab zoo li hais, kuj hu ua pearl tshuaj yej.Flat kib ntsuab tshuaj yej kuj hu ua ca tshuaj yej.Qhov ntev kib ntsuab zoo yog tus cwj pwm los ntawm kev nruj nruj, xim ntsuab, tsw thiab kav ntev, nplua nuj saj, kua zaub xim, daj nyob rau hauv qab ntawm nplooj.Roasted ntsuab yog puag ncig thiab nruj raws li cov hlaws hauv cov duab, muaj ntxhiab thiab muaj zog hauv saj, thiab ua npuas-resistant.

Cov khoom noj qab zib ntsuab yog tiaj tus thiab du, muaj ntxhiab thiab qab, xws li West Lake Longjing.Hauv kev ntsuam xyuas kev lag luam ntawm cov tshuaj yej plaub muag zoo, cov qauv kev cai lij choj tshuaj yej lub cev qauv feem ntau yog siv los ua lub hauv paus ntawm kev sib piv, feem ntau siv siab dua tus qauv, "qis", "sib npaug" peb qib ntawm tus nqi.


Cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov

Cov yam ntxwv zoo yog: lub cable yog nruj thiab du, lub cawv xim yog ntsuab, nplooj hauv qab yog ntsuab, aroma yog tshiab thiab ntse, saj yog muaj zog thiab convergence yog nplua nuj, thiab brewing kuj zoo.

Lub ntsiab ntau yam ntawm kib ntsuab tshuaj yej yog Eyebrow Tea, Pearl Tea, West Lake Longjing, Lao Zhu Dafang, Biluochun, Mengding Ganlu, Duyn Maojian, Xinyang Maojian, Wuzi Xianhao thiab hais txog.

Fried ntsuab tshuaj yej cais

Ntsuab tshuaj yej yog ntev thiab do-kib

Vim muaj qhov sib txawv ntawm kev siv tshuab lossis phau ntawv ua haujlwm hauv cov txheej txheem ziab, cheng tshuaj yej tau tsim cov duab sib txawv xws li sawb, round hlaws, kiv cua tiaj tus, koob thiab ntsia hlau, thiab lwm yam. Raws li lawv cov tsos, cheng tshuaj yej tuaj yeem muab faib ua peb hom. : long kib ntsuab, round kib ntsuab thiab tiaj kib ntsuab.Ntev kib ntsuab zoo li pob muag, tseem hu ua eyebrow tshuaj yej.Cov qauv tsim thiab xim ntawm cov khoom tiav yog Jane plaub muag, Gongxi, Yucha, koob plaub muag, Xiu plaub muag thiab lwm yam, txhua tus muaj cov yam ntxwv sib txawv.Jane plaub muag: lub cable yog nyias thiab ncaj los yog nws cov duab zoo li poj niam lub ntsej muag zoo nkauj, xim yog ntsuab thiab frosty, aroma yog tshiab thiab tshiab, saj yog tuab thiab txias, kua zaub xim, hauv qab ntawm nplooj yog ntsuab thiab daj thiab ci;Gongxi: Nws yog cov tshuaj yej puag ncig hauv cov zaub ntsuab ntev.Nws yog hu ua Gongxi tom qab refining.Cov duab zoo ib yam li cov hlaws tshuaj yej, puag ncig nplooj hauv qab tseem sib tw thiab txawm;Rain tshuaj yej: Ameslikas ib tug ntev-shaped tshuaj yej cais los ntawm Pearl tshuaj yej, tab sis tam sim no feem ntau ntawm Rain tshuaj yej yog tau los ntawm Eyebrow tshuaj yej.Nws cov duab yog luv luv thiab nyias, tseem nruj, txawm tias ntsuab xim, ntshiab aroma thiab muaj zog saj.Cov dej cawv xim yog daj thiab ntsuab, thiab nplooj tseem sib tw thiab txawm.Qhov ntev kib ntsuab zoo yog tus cwj pwm los ntawm kev nruj nruj, xim ntsuab, tsw thiab kav ntev, nplua nuj saj, kua zaub xim, daj nyob rau hauv qab ntawm nplooj.

Ntsuab tshuaj yej yog puag ncig thiab do-kib

Cov tsos mob xws li particle, kuj hu ua pearl tshuaj yej.Cov duab ntawm cov khoom yog puag ncig thiab nruj.Vim yog thaj chaw ntau lawm thiab txoj kev sib txawv, nws tuaj yeem muab faib ua Pingchaoqing, Quanggang Hui Bai thiab Yongxi Huoqing, thiab lwm yam. Pingqing: ua nyob rau hauv shengxian, xinchang, shangyu thiab lwm lub nroog.Cov tshuaj yej ua kom zoo thiab faib cov ntaub plaub yog tsom rau hauv Pingshui Lub Nroog Shaoxing hauv keeb kwm.Cov duab ntawm cov tshuaj yej tiav yog zoo, puag ncig thiab nruj zoo li pearls, yog li nws yog hu ua "Pingshui Pearl Tea" los yog Pinggreen, thaum cov tshuaj yej wool hu ua Pingfried Green.Roasted ntsuab yog puag ncig thiab nruj raws li cov hlaws hauv cov duab, muaj ntxhiab thiab muaj zog hauv saj, thiab ua npuas-resistant.

Fried ntsuab tshuaj yej flat kib ntsuab tshuaj yej

Cov khoom tiav yog tiaj thiab du, muaj ntxhiab thiab qab.Vim qhov sib txawv ntawm qhov chaw tsim khoom thiab kev tsim khoom, nws feem ntau muab faib ua peb hom: Longjing, Qiqiang thiab Dafang.Longjing: tsim nyob rau hauv Hangzhou West Lake District, tseem hu ua West Lake Longjing.Cov nplooj tshiab khaws cov mos mos, cov kev xav tau ntawm cov paj ntoo zoo nkauj rau hauv lub paj, cov neeg laus Longjing kev ua haujlwm zoo tshwj xeeb, nrog "ntsuab, tsw qab. Cov yam ntxwv zoo ntawm cov saj qab zib thiab cov duab zoo nkauj. Flag phom: tsim nyob rau hauv hangzhou longjing tshuaj yej cheeb tsam nyob ib ncig ntawm thiab nyob ib sab. Yuhang, fuyang, xiaoshan thiab lwm lub nroog. Generous: ua nyob rau hauv nws county, anhui xeev thiab zhejiang Lin an, chun ib tug nyob ib sab cheeb tsam, nrog nws county qub xyoob dav dav yog nto moo tshaj plaws. Flat kib ntsuab tshuaj yej tseem hu ua ca tshuaj yej.

Fried ntsuab tshuaj yej lwm yam kev faib tawm

Nyias thiab sib tw kib ntsuab tshuaj yej yog hais txog cov tshuaj yej ntsuab kib uas ua los ntawm kev ua cov paj zoo nkauj thiab nplooj.Nws yog qeb tseem ceeb ntawm cov tshuaj yej ntsuab tshwj xeeb, thiab feem ntau yog cov tshuaj yej keeb kwm.Tag nrho cov roasted ntsuab tshuaj yej ua tiav los ntawm kev xaiv cov ntoo zoo nkauj thiab nplooj belongs rau kev sib tw roasted ntsuab tshuaj yej.Nws tseem hu ua tshwj xeeb roasted ntsuab tshuaj yej vim nws cov khoom me me, cov khoom zoo thiab cov khoom tsis tshua muaj.West Lake Longjing thiab Biluochun yog ob qho tib si kev sib tw thiab do-fried ntsuab tshuaj yej.

Fried ntsuab tshuaj yej processing txheej txheem

Txheej txheem cej luam ntawm Fried Green Tea

Tuam Tshoj cov tshuaj yej ntau lawm, nrog tshuaj yej ntsuab rau qhov ntxov tshaj plaws.Txij li thaum Tang Dynasty, Tuam Tshoj tau siv txoj kev steaming tshuaj yej, thiab tom qab ntawd hloov mus rau chav ntsuab xoob tshuaj yej hauv Song Dynasty.Nyob rau hauv Ming Dynasty, Tuam Tshoj tau tsim txoj kev ntawm kib ntsuab, thiab maj mam tshem tawm steaming ntsuab.

Tam sim no, cov txheej txheem ntawm cov tshuaj yej ntsuab siv nyob rau hauv peb lub teb chaws yog: nplooj tshiab ① kho, ② dov thiab ③ ziab

Fried tshuaj yej tiav lawm

Green finishing yog qhov kev ntsuas tseem ceeb los tsim cov tshuaj yej ntsuab zoo.Nws lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb yog txhawm rau rhuav tshem cov haujlwm ntawm cov enzymes hauv nplooj tshiab thiab nres lub enzymatic oxidation ntawm polyphenols, thiaj li tau txais cov xim, aroma thiab saj ntawm tshuaj yej ntsuab.Ob yog xa tawm cov nyom nyom, kev txhim kho cov tshuaj tsw qab;Peb yog evaporate ib feem ntawm cov dej, kom nws ua mos, txhim khu toughness, yooj yim rau yob txoj kev.Tom qab cov nplooj tshiab tau khaws, lawv yuav tsum tau kis rau hauv av rau 2-3 teev, thiab tom qab ntawd lawv yuav tsum tiav.Degreening txoj cai ib qho yog "siab kub, ua ntej siab tom qab qis", yog li ntawd qhov kub ntawm lub lauj kaub los yog cov menyuam mus rau 180 ℃ los yog siab dua, thiaj li yuav ua kom puas cov enzymes sai sai, thiab tom qab ntawd tsim nyog txo qhov kub, thiaj li hais tias lub paj. taub thiab nplooj ntug tsis yog yuav tsum tau kib, cuam tshuam qhov zoo ntawm cov tshuaj yej ntsuab, tua tusyees thiab huv si, laus thiab tsis coke, kev sib tw thiab tsis raw lub hom phiaj.Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus thib ob ntawm kev ua tiav yog los ua tus tswv "tua cov nplooj qub me me, cov nplooj hluas tua".Qhov hu ua qub tua, yog kom poob dej ntau tsim nyog;Lub thiaj li hu ua kev sib tw tua, yog qhov tsim nyog poob dej tsawg.Vim tias cov enzyme catalysis nyob rau hauv cov nplooj hluas muaj zog thiab cov ntsiab lus dej siab, yog li cov nplooj qub yuav tsum raug tua.Yog tias cov nplooj hluas raug tua, kev ua kom cov enzyme tsis raug rhuav tshem kom tsim cov qia liab thiab nplooj liab.Cov dej ntsiab lus ntawm nplooj yog siab dhau lawm, cov kua yog yooj yim poob thaum dov, thiab nws yog ib qho yooj yim los ua mushy thaum nias, thiab buds thiab nplooj yog yooj yim tawg.Ntawm qhov tsis sib xws, cov nplooj qis qis yuav tsum tau tua kev sib tw, cov nplooj qub ntxhib muaj cov ntsiab lus dej tsawg, cov ntsiab lus cellulose siab, nplooj tawv thiab tawv, xws li tua cov nplooj ntsuab uas muaj dej tsawg, nyuaj rau tsim thaum dov, thiab yooj yim tawg. thaum pressurizing.Cov cim qhia ntawm cov nplooj ntsuab yog: xim ntawm nplooj hloov los ntawm ci ntsuab mus rau ntsuab tsaus, tsis muaj liab stems thiab nplooj, nplooj yog mos thiab me ntsis nplaum, cov stems thiab stems yog folded tas li, nplooj yog pinched nruj nreem rau hauv. ib pab pawg, me ntsis elastic, cov nyom roj ploj, thiab cov tshuaj yej tsw qab tau tshwm sim.

Do - Fry ntsuab tshuaj yej

Lub hom phiaj ntawm dov yog txo qhov ntim, nteg lub hauv paus zoo rau kib thiab sib sau, thiab rhuav tshem cov nplooj ntawv kom tsim nyog, kom cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo yooj yim rau brew thiab resistant rau brewing.

Kneading feem ntau muab faib ua kub kneading thiab txias kneading, lub thiaj li hu ua kub kneading, yog tua ntsuab nplooj tsis piling li thaum kub kneading;Lub thiaj li hu ua txias kneading, yog tua ntsuab nplooj tawm ntawm lub lauj kaub, tom qab ib lub sij hawm ntawm kev sib kis, kom nplooj ntoos kub poob mus rau ib tug tej yam kev mob ntawm kneading.Cov nplooj laus muaj cov ntsiab lus siab ntawm cellulose, thiab nws tsis yooj yim los ua strips thaum dov, thiab nws yog ib qho yooj yim los siv kub kneading.Advanced kev sib tw yoojyim yooj yim rau yob mus rau hauv ib daim hlab, txhawm rau kom muaj xim zoo thiab aroma, kev siv cov khaub thuas kneading.

Tam sim no, ntxiv rau kev tsim khoom ntawm Longjing, Biluochun thiab lwm yam tshuaj yej xuas tes ua, feem ntau ntawm cov tshuaj yej yog dov los ntawm dov tshuab.Ntawd yog, muab cov nplooj tshiab tso rau hauv lub tshuab kneading, npog lub tshuab dov npog, thiab ntxiv qee qhov siab rau dov.Lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm kev siab yog "lub teeb, hnyav, lub teeb".Uas yog maj mam nias ua ntej, thiab maj mam aggravate, thiab maj mam txo, qhov kawg ntawm lub siab thiab knead li 5 feeb.Qhov kev puas tsuaj ntawm cov nplooj nplooj dov yog feem ntau 45-55%, thiab cov tshuaj yej kua txiv adheres rau nplooj nplooj, thiab txhais tes xav tias lubricated thiab nplaum.

Fried ntsuab tshuaj yej kom qhuav

Muaj ntau txoj hauv kev kom qhuav, qee qhov nrog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws los yog lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws, qee qhov nrog lub lauj kaub kib qhuav, qee qhov nrog dov lub thoob kib kom qhuav, tab sis tsis muaj teeb meem dab tsi, lub hom phiaj yog: ib qho, nplooj ntawm lub hauv paus ntawm kev ua tiav txuas ntxiv mus. kev hloov pauv hauv cov ntsiab lus, txhim kho qhov zoo ntawm sab hauv;Thib ob, ntawm lub hauv paus ntawm dov xov txoj hlua, txhim kho cov duab;Peb, tso dej ntau dhau, tiv thaiv mildew, yooj yim khaws cia.Thaum kawg, tom qab ziab, cov tshuaj yej nplooj yuav tsum ua kom tau raws li qhov kev nyab xeeb cia, uas yog, cov ntsiab lus noo noo yuav tsum nyob rau hauv 5-6%, thiab nplooj tuaj yeem tawg mus rau hauv daim ntawm tes.

Review ntawm kib ntsuab tshuaj yej

Ntev kib ntsuab tom qab refining rau plaub muag tshuaj yej.Ntawm lawv, Jane lub ntsej muag zoo li lub ntsej muag nruj, xim ntsuab embellish frosting, kua zaub xim daj ntsuab ci, txiv ntseej tshuaj tsw qab, saj mellow, daj thiab ntsuab nplooj hauv qab, xws li cov duab ntawm npuas, grey, fragrance tsis ntshiab, pa luam yeeb char rau cov khoom siv ntaub ntawv tom ntej.

(1) Tus qauv qauv ntawm cov plaub muag tshuaj yej rau export yuav muab faib ua: Tezhen, Zhenmei, Xiu Mei, Yucha thiab Gongxi.Saib lub rooj rau cov qauv tsim thiab ntau yam.Cov kev cai zoo ntawm txhua yam xim: zoo ib yam, tsis muaj xim, tsis muaj qhov sib ntxiv ntawm cov tshuaj tsw qab los yog saj, tsis muaj ntxhiab tsw, thiab tsis muaj tshuaj yej inclusions.

(2) eyebrow tshuaj yej grading txoj cai Kev lag luam ntsuam xyuas ntawm qhov muag tshuaj yej zoo, feem ntau siv raws cai tshuaj yej lub cev qauv qauv raws li lub hauv paus ntawm kev sib piv, feem ntau siv tshaj tus qauv "siab", "tsawg", "sib npaug" peb qib ntawm pricing.Kev muab qhab nia ntawm cov tshuaj yej plaub muag tau ua raws li lub rooj, coj Tezhen Qib 1 ua piv txwv.

Trade Standard for Eyebrow Tea Export (Adopted by Shanghai Tea Company nyob rau hauv 1977)

Tshuaj yej khoom tshuaj yej code tsos yam ntxwv

Tshwj xeeb Zhen qib tshwj xeeb 41022 muag heev, nruj ncaj, nrog Miao Feng

Qib 1 9371 zoo nruj, hnyav khoom

Qib 2 9370 nruj knot, tseem hnyav hnyav

Jane plaub muag qib 9369 nruj knot

Qib 9368 nruj knot

Qib 3 9367 me ntsis tuab xoob

Qib 4 9366 coarse ntoo thuv

Tsis muaj chav kawm 3008 ntxhib xoob, lub teeb, nrog qia yooj yim

Rain tshuaj yej qib 8147 luv blunt zoo tendons

Super qib 8117 kev sib tw tendons nrog strips

Xiu Mei Qib I 9400 daim ntawv nrog ribbons

Qib II 9376 flaky

Qib 3 9380 sib dua nyias daim

Tshuaj yej slices 34403 lub teeb zoo Gongxi tshwj xeeb 9377 xim embellish, round nuv duab, hnyav zog

Qib 9389 xim tseem khiav, puag ncig nuv, tseem hnyav khoom

Qib 2 9417 xim me ntsis qhuav, ntau dua nuv, zoo lub teeb

Qib 3 9500 xim qhuav, khoob, nuv

Tsis yog-chav kawm 3313 hollow xoob, tiaj tus, luv luv blunt

Kev faib tawm ntawm cov tshuaj yej plaub muag tau muab faib ua cov tshuaj yej qhov hnyav hauv lub tshuab sorting cua;Qhov luaj li cas ntawm cov tshuaj yej lub cev yog txiav txim raws li qhov loj ntawm lub sieve qhov nyob rau hauv lub ca round tshuab

TU (2)

Tshuaj yej yog luv luv

Nws cov khoom siv tshuaj yej suav nrog Dongting Biluochun, Nanjing Yuhua Tshuaj yej, Jinjiu Huiming, Gaoqiao Yinfeng, Shaoshan Shaofeng, Anhua Songneedle, Guzhangmaojian, Jianghua maojian, Dayong maojian, Xinyang maojian, Guiping Xishan Tshuaj yej, Lushan Yunwu, Wuzi Xianhao thiab lwm yam.

Ntawm no yog cov lus piav qhia luv luv ntawm ob yam khoom, xws li Dongting Biluochun: los ntawm Taihu Lake hauv Wuxian County, Jiangsu Province, qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm Biluochun Roob.Cov duab ntawm lub cable yog zoo, txawm, curled zoo li ib tug qwj, pekoe raug, xim yog silver-ntsuab zais cui glossy;Endoplasm tshuaj tsw qab kav ntev, cov xim ntawm cov kua zaub yog ntsuab thiab meej, saj yog tshiab thiab qab zib.Hauv qab ntawm nplooj yog mos thiab mos thiab ci.

Kub puav pheej huiming: ua nyob rau hauv yunhe county, zhejiang xeev.Nws tau muaj npe tom qab qhov khoom plig kub ntawm Panama World Exposition hauv xyoo 1915. Cov duab ntawm lub cable yog zoo thiab zoo huv si, lub Miao show muaj lub ncov, thiab xim yog ntsuab thiab embellish.Endoquality fragrance yog siab thiab kav ntev, nrog paj thiab txiv hmab txiv ntoo fragrance, ntshiab thiab ci kua zaub xim, qab zib thiab refreshing saj, lub teeb ntsuab thiab kaj nplooj.

Cov xov xwm ntsig txog

Tuam Tshoj thawj "cov tshuaj yej ntsuab ua ntej cov kab ntau lawm rau kev tu" tau tsim ua tiav

Hosted los ntawm anhui xeev pawg neeg ua liaj ua teb, raws li kev txhawb nqa technology, anhui ua liaj ua teb tsev kawm ntawv xibfwb xiao-chun wan rau qhov project tus kws tshaj lij ntawm department ntawm kev ua liaj ua teb project 948 "export region characteristic tea processing technology transfer and industrialization of" focus on the research content " Thaum pib ntawm cov tshuaj yej ntsuab ib txwm ua kom huv si", thaum Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 6 hauv Hugh zhengning county los ntawm Ministry of Agriculture kws tshaj lij kev sib cav ntawm lub koom haum.

Cov kab ntau lawm no yog thawj txoj kab kev ua haujlwm huv rau thawj cov txheej txheem ntawm roasted ntsuab tshuaj yej uas yog kev koom ua ke nrog automation thiab txuas ntxiv ntawm nws tus kheej tsim thiab tsim hauv Suav teb.Nws tau hloov cov xwm txheej ntawm ib lub tshuab ua haujlwm hauv Suav teb cov tshuaj yej uas twb muaj lawm, paub txog tag nrho cov txheej txheem ntawm kev tsim tawm tas li los ntawm cov nplooj tshiab rau cov tshuaj yej qhuav, thiab muab lub platform zoo rau kev paub txog cov khoom siv digital.Kev tswj tsis siv neeg thev naus laus zis tau txais los ua kom paub txog kev tswj hwm digital ntawm tag nrho cov txheej txheem ntawm kev tsim khoom.Los ntawm kev xaiv thiab kev siv lub zog huv, kev xaiv cov khoom siv huv huv, kev tswj cov pa phem thiab cov suab nrov, thiab kev txhim kho kev ua kom huv hauv ib puag ncig, kev ua kom huv huv tau ua tiav.

Cov kws tshaj lij uas koom nrog hauv kev ua qauv qhia pom zoo tias cov kab ntau lawm tau khaws thiab nqa mus rau cov yam ntxwv thiab qhov zoo ntawm kev ua tshuab ntawm peb cov tshuaj yej ntsuab do-fried, thiab tau mus txog qib siab ntawm thoob ntiaj teb cov kab ntau lawm zoo sib xws ntawm kev tsim tag nrho. theem, thiab cov qauv tsim ntawm qee lub tshuab ib leeg tau txawm mus txog qib siab thoob ntiaj teb.Lub hnub yug ntawm cov kab ntau lawm cim tias thawj qhov kev tsim cov tshuaj yej ntsuab hauv Suav teb tau nqis los rau hauv lub sijhawm ntawm kev huv, automation, txuas ntxiv thiab digitalization.Nws yuav zoo heev txhim kho qib ua ntawm Tuam Tshoj cov tsoos kib ntsuab tshuaj yej thiab txhim khu lub peev xwm ntawm Tuam Tshoj cov tshuaj yej export kom tau txais kev sib pauv txawv teb chaws.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:
  • Cov khoom qeb

    Xa koj cov lus rau peb:

    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb